Embracing Her Legacy: Join Us in Celebrating Women’s History Month!

Embracing Her Legacy: Join Us in Celebrating Women’s History Month! March is a time to honor the contributions and remarkable achievements of women throughout history. Let’s celebrate this month with gratitude and a commitment to amplifying the voices and stories of women everyw …

Taylor Financial Group Welcomes Ryan Detrick

To all who joined us at our 25th Anniversary event with Chief Market Strategist at Carson Wealth, Ryan Detrick, we want to express our heartfelt thanks for your participation. And for those who couldn’t make it, we hope the summary we include below brings you up to speed and provides …

The Importance of Family Financial Planning

As we navigate through the ever-evolving financial landscape, the importance of robust and proactive family financial planning cannot be overstated. We understand that every “family” looks different and that each family’s financial journey is unique. We are committed to pr …

RMD & QCD Announcement

When you reach RMD age, the IRS instructs you to start making withdrawals from your Traditional IRA(s). These withdrawals are also called Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). For some of you, 2024 may be the first year you are taking an RMD (those of you who are turning age 73). You will …

Women’s Quarterly Newsletter

We’re excited to present the newest issue of our Women’s Quarterly Newsletter, a vibrant collection of insights, events, and stories tailored for women. In this newsletter, you’ll discover “5 Surprising Facts About Women Investors” that may change the way you t …

Annual Service Calendar

We are proud to announce our enhanced 2024 Annual Client Service Calendar! The calendar helps to create a structured and proactive approach to managing your wealth throughout the year. The annual client service calendar is your roadmap to financial success, detailing the planning areas we a …

Financial Fitness Announcement

With the New Year here, it’s a good time to reflect on the past year—and create goals for this year. But whether or not you believe in setting New Year’s resolutions, it’s a good idea to review your finances and make sure they’re in good shape. See attached for the f …

Join Us in Celebrating 25 Years

Twenty-five years ago, I’m not sure that I envisioned sitting down to write a blog post about celebrating Taylor Financial Group’s silver anniversary – and not just because blogging wasn’t a huge thing back then, but also because I knew what a big deal it would be to someday celebrate 25 ye …

Women and Wealth: May 2023

Dear Friends, If you’re a married woman, it’s important to consider the fact that 80% of wives will outlive their spouses, which means wives need to plan for the possibility of being widowed. Unfortunately, the tax code is not favorable to widows, and it’s important to edu …

Monthly Update: May 2023

Dear Friends, Retirement is something that many of us dream about for a good portion of our working lives. It’s important to remember that this period can last anywhere from 10 to 30 years and will likely come with some unique challenges along the way. Here at Taylor Financial, it’s o …

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