The Week Ahead – July 2, 2019: Are You Financially Ready to be a Parent?

Being a parent means being responsible to a degree you never have been before. That elevated responsibility also impacts your financial decisions. You are now a provider and a protector, and that reality may make the following financial moves necessary.

Download the whole article here!

Last Week at the Office!

Friday, June 28th was “Hawaiian Shirt Day” at TFG. Everyone wore flowery shirts and leis, but nobody did the hula!

Pictured, L-R: Rob Taylor, Tyler Stalter, Ruth Engel, Diane Curtin, Debbie Taylor, and Rob Papa. Not pictured are Jared Marzocco and Ava Iorio (they may have been doing the hula on their day off!).


Check out our featured blog post this week:

3 Things to Know About the SECURE Act

Getting on the road to retirement might be easier than before.

On May 23, 2019, the House of Representatives passed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act, with an overwhelming majority of 417-3.

The SECURE Act is the largest retirement-oriented legislation to pass in over a decade!1  On its way to the Senate, there is a high likelihood that this retirement bill will be a full-fledged, grown-up law by the end of 2019.

Below we address three of the Act’s key provisions that you may want to consider while saving for your retirement.

Read the Rest Here!


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