
Election Surprise Is Something New, Not 1968 Redux

President Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 presidential race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee, although the endorsement does not necessarily mean she will win the nomination. The change in the Democratic ticket does not change our fundamental view of the e …

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We May Be Able to Help You with More Than You Know!

Published by Taylor Financial Group We have always been proud of the fact that we do our best to go above and beyond for our clients.  But, recently, it was brought to our attention by our Client Advisory Board that we may not be communicating all of our services well enough.

Conviction: A Portfolio Manager’s Secret Weapon

Published by Rob Furlong, Co-Portfolio Manager, and the Carson Group Partners Investment Committee Each year I serve as a coach to a local college team competing in the CFA Society’s Annual Investment Challenge. Over the next several weeks, I’ll meet with this year’s team to offer advice on …

Don’t Ignore Tax-Saving Opportunities!

Published by Taylor Financial Group Two weeks ago, we discussed year-end tax planning in great detail.  Clearly, we believe year-end planning is important.  So, this week, we want to drill down on just a few of the items we previously mentioned.  We don’t want you to ignore potential …

Uncertainty and Change

Published By: Mark Petersen | LinkedIn We live in a world of uncertainty! On November 8, 2016 most Americans thought they knew who the President-Elect would be. After all, we were informed by pollsters leading up to the Presidential election who was leading and the probable outcome. Many we …

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